Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire is so grateful for the support of
our Community Partners! Their support of our mission ensures that
BBBSNH has the necessary resources to continue changing the lives of New
Hampshire youth, one mentoring friendship at a time.

Interested in Partnering or Learning More?

Want to help change the lives of youth in the Granite State through mentorship? Become a Community Partner of Big Brothers Big Sisters of
New Hampshire today!

Contact Tim Kneuer to learn more about becoming a Community Partner. | 603.256.5132

Be a Partner

If Yes, please provide a brief description of the event in the comments below (ex. benefit fundraiser, activity for Big/Little matches)

Six Principles for Authentic Fundraising Here at BBBSNH

support big brothers big sisters, support our mission support big brothers big sisters, support our mission support big brothers big sisters, support our mission
  1. Honesty: Relationships are built on trust and that is the most significant factor to an authentic relationship.
  2. Relatability: Relationships with donors are effective and “humanized” instead of transactional.
  3. Empathy: Relationships require understanding of social factors.
  4. Accountability: Accepts responsibility for actions and openly shares information regarding the governance, finances and operations of the organization.
  5. Vulnerability: Have strength to be transparent with our community. 
  6. Gratitude: Expressing authentic appreciation every single time.