CEO COrner

CEO Corner February 2022

As the passionate leader of Big Brothers Big Sisters of NH, Stacy shares updates, insights, and inspiration as we work together to empower New Hampshire’s youth through mentoring. 

We aren’t even to the end of February and I am already looking forward to more sunshine and warmer days! We just wrapped up January with National Mentoring Month – thanks to all those who took the time to thank their mentor, donate to honor their mentor or helped support a match. Giving is critical to our mission of serving more youth in mentoring relationships that ignite their potential!

I’m not sure about you but I have never been a big fan of Valentine’s Day. Going out to dinner at a packed restaurant and paying twice as much for flowers has never been my thing. However, this year, there is this longing to get out and most importantly, feel appreciated and cared for. Here are three ways you can help BBBSNH share the love this month!

Please consider giving the gift of mentoring this Valentine’s Day through our Impact Circle. Think of the people in your life that have helped lift you up or stood in your corner. Now imagine them not being there. I know for me, it would be devastating. As we continue to feel the impact of the pandemic, it is especially critical for youth waiting for a mentor, to get one.

Sign up to be a mentor. Give 4 hours a month and do the things you are already enjoy doing but with a local child from your community. Do you fish, play video games, hike, ride bikes, draw or paint? All of these things are something a child on our waitlist is waiting to do with you.

Get the gearIn partnership with Cloztalk, you can purchase your BBBSNH gear to bring awareness to our mission. I know that every time I wear my BBBSNH tee-shirt in line at the grocery store or out for a walk, I end up meeting people who remember being a Big or a Little, or who have a Little in our program. These encounters spark the best memories and conversations that reaffirm the importance of our mission to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. And, you never know, it might inspire someone else to become a Big, enroll their child, or make a donation to support our work. Now, that’s impact!

February is Black History Month and did you know that BBBSNH is a JEDI focused youth empowerment organization? Born out of JUSTICE, to create EQUITY for youth, bringing together DIVERSE communities, so that all kids can feel INCLUDED for the promise of opportunity and a better life. Big Brothers Big Sisters is and has always been focused on inspiring youth equity and empowerment to help kids reach their full potential. Our ongoing commitment to being a JEDI-focused youth empowerment organization is a top priority.

You are appreciated.
Thank you for sharing in our mission,

Stacy W. Kramer, CEO

Make a Big Difference

Your support makes a big difference in the lives of New Hampshire’s youth. Find out how you can support BBBSNH