There comes a point in all of our lives, when we need a helping hand. I know personally, I have been fortunate to have many mentors in my life to help guide me to where I am today by giving me that extra push forward when I could not push myself. As we honor Mental Health Awareness Month, we are shining a special light on our mentors, donors and community who continue to make BBBSNH’s mission possible. Because of you, hundreds of local youth across NH are receiving connection, guidance and the support they need to overcome adversities and reach their full potential.
Even before the pandemic, the youth mental health crises was on the rise. Now, we are receiving more inquiries from youth and their families in need of our services, than ever before. With nearly 200 youth on our waiting list, the need for more mentors has never been more urgent.
Do you or someone you know have 4 hours a month to give, doing the activities you enjoy while making an impact? Our program is free to sign up! Volunteers must be 18 years or older Sign up here.
We particularly have a need for more male mentors. Nearly 80% of youth waiting for a mentor are boys. Boys that want to take a walk, go fishing, see a game or simply enjoy the company of someone they can trust. The possibilities are endless and cost nothing – your time is the gift. We will provide you with additional activities to participate in with your match as well as training, check-ins, coaching and ongoing support throughout the duration of your match.
Lastly, I’m excited to share Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire has been named Seacoast Outrights Partner of the Year for June’s Pride Month!
Join us for the Pride event on June 25 in Portsmouth! BBBSNH will be participating in a Pride walk in addition to having a booth with more information about our PRISM program. If interested, meet us in front of North Church, near Popovers at 12 noon that day. We will walk in the march from there to our booth at Strawberry Banke. Stay tuned for pictures in our next Newsletter!
Stay well friends,
Stacy W. Kramer, CEO
PS: If you have moved recently or have updated your contact information, please reply back and let me know your new contact information. Thanks!