"A leader isn't always someone who takes charge of an entire group in order to lead them into a planned...
Dream Big
Our Updates & News
From match stories to events and exciting announcements, explore all that’s happening at Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire!.
Mentoring Resources for Social Distancing
Are you looking for a few good ideas on how to stay connected with your Little from a distance? We've...
Monadnock Region update
Please read this important update about our Monadnock Region programs. ...
Mentoring Resources for Black History Month
Do the frosty days of winter leave you looking for an indoor activity with your Little? Why not stay in...
2020 Bigs of the Year
BBBSNH is proud of our 2020 Bigs of the Year, Big Brother Paul Lovy, of Portsmouth, and Big Sister Jody...
Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Month
January is National Mentoring Month and is now Big Brothers Big Sisters Month in New Hampshire. We are excited to...
Cool Perks for Bigs
It doesn't cost anything to be a mentor. Thanks to our wonderful donors and sponsors, we are able to provide...
Announcing our 2020 Businesses of the Year
Two companies honored as our 2020 Businesses of the Year ...
The Ripple Effect
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation's "A Call to the Edge" by Tym Rourke provides a roadmap to help children who...
It takes Little
to Be Big
Be a big
Mentor A Child
As a Big, you will ignite potential in your Little. It’s easier than you think to make a big difference. When you empower a child, you make the future brighter.
Get a big
Youth Sign Up
Every child deserves someone in their corner. There can never be too many people rooting for your child’s success.
Support Our Children
Even if you’re not able to mentor a child, you can help fund positive mentoring relationships. There are many ways to donate and support your community to empower youth.
Leave a Legacy
Leave a Legacy
Many employers match donations to NH nonprofits and charitable organizations for their employees, retirees and family members.